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takielunek1.jpg (duże)

  1. Main course yard 
  2. Lower main topsail yard 
  3. Upper main topsail yard 
  4. Main topgallant yard 
  5. Main royal yard 
  6. Main sky yard 
  7. Mainmast 
  8. Foremast 
  9. Flag staff 
  10. Spanker boom 
  11. Fore course yard 
  12. Lower fore topsail yard 
  13. Upper fore topsail yard 
  14. Fore topgallant yard 
  15. Fore royala yard 
  16. Fore sky yard 
  17. Spanker gaff 
  18. Davits 
  19. Bowsprit 
  20. Dolphin striker 

Standing rigging:

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  1. Main shrouds 
  2. Main futtock shrouds 
  3. Main topmast shrouds 
  4. Main topgallant futtock shrouds 
  5. Main topgallant shrouds 
  6. Head stay
  7. Main topmast stay 
  8. Main topgallant stay 
  9. Main royal stay 
  10. Main sky stay 
  11. Fore shrouds 
  12. Fore futtock shrouds 
  13. Fore topmast shrouds 
  14. Fore topgallant futtock shrouds 
  15. Fore topgallant shrouds 
  16. After stays 
  17. Fore stay 
  18. Fore topmast stay 
  19. Fore topgallant stay 
  20. Fore royal stay 
  21. Fore flying stay 
  22. Fore sky stay
  23. Back ropes 
  24. Bob stay 
  25. Martingales 
  26. Main backstays 
  27. Fore backstays 
  28. Bowsprit shrouds 

Type of rig: brig
Sail area: 1 200 m2
Bowsprit sails area: 290 m2
Square sailsarea: 632 m2
Number of sails: 22

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  1. Main course 
  2. Lower main topsail 
  3. Upper main topsail 
  4. Main topgallant 
  5. Main royal 
  6. Main sky 
  7. Main staysail 
  8. Main topgallant staysail 
  9. Main royal staysail 
  10. Main sky staysail 
  11. Fore course 
  12. Lower fore topsail 
  13. Upper fore topsail
  14. Fore topgallant
  15. Fore royal 
  16. Fore sky 
  17. Jib (not used) 
  18. Inner jib
  19. Middle jib 
  20. Outer jib 
  21. Flying jib 
  22. Sky jib 
  23. Spanker 

Square sail and the yard:

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  1. Lower topsail clewline 
  2. Lower topsail brace
  3. Lower topsail sheet 
  4. Tackline 
  5. Course sheet 
  6. Outer buntline 
  7. Middle buntline
  8. Inner buntline 
  9. Stirrup 
  10. Gasket 
  11. Footrope 
  12. Flemish horse 
  13. Brace
  14. Topping lift 
  15. Jackstays (fore & aft) 
  16. Yard 
  17. Lifeline 
  18. Yard arm 

Staysails and jibs:

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  1. Stay 
  2. Halyard 
  3. Head 
  4. Leech
  5. Downhaul 
  6. Bull's eye 
  7. Luff 
  8. Hank 
  9. Port sheet 
  10. Starboard sheet 
  11. Clew 
  12. Foot 
  13. Tack
  14. Tackline